Published Author and Illustrator of Children's Books
0477 667 730
Facebook: @debrao'halloran
My interest in art began with my big sister who had a great talent in pencil. I began teaching myself from her lesson books and continued to practice at every opportunity. As the years flew by I took up many forms of art from oil painting, which my mother taught to me, charcoal, water colours, pastels and anything that I could get my hands on.
At the age of 30 I had four children and was living at Cecil Plains. My art skills had been received with open arms with the locals as they commissioned me to paint scenes on old milk and cream cans (all the big rage at the time). I had also taught myself FolkArt which was popular among the ladies who requested I start classes so they could learn.
Photography was also something I dabbled with and tried to master over the years. It was not until I began learning Fine Art Photography and using Photoshop to manipulate and create Fine Art images that I learned the nitty gritty of the camera. With this the progression to a children’s author and illustrator came quite quickly. As I could not use on line images due to copyright I advertised for a group of young models to dress up and become the fairies for me to place into the fairy-tale scenes I wanted to create. The girls who modeled received a copy of the image and loved it. When I started placing the images on my FB page I was not happy to just have the image I would create a little story to go with it, this lead to my daughter suggesting I do a book. This lead to my first book “The Fairies Secret Path” being published. I had no idea that this would lead me to creating further books and expanding to illustrating for other authors and creating books for companies.
I will never stop learning as my imagination never stops and I have a hunger to create. My latest is creating fairy houses for my garden and the grandkids. My fondest saying is ‘You are never too old to learn’!